Saturday, February 13, 2010

Post Standard blog about new Freya/ Japan tour

Freya releases new CD; Earth Crisis leaves for tour of Japan
By Mark Bialczak/The Post-Standard
January 19, 2010, 4:00PM

It's a busy week for Syracuse aggressive rock front man Karl Buechner.

One of his bands, Freya, released its new CD, "All Hail the End," today.

His other band, reunited straightedge hardcore kings Earth Crisis, leaves Friday for a tour of Japan.

"It's working out great," Buechner just told me of his dual rock band citizenship. "When one band is active on the road, the other is home, composing songs."

Buechner says the the Freya album is about "different civilizations over the centuries who've come and gone. I see some societies basing the culture on warfare," he says.

But, Buechner believes, the climate is right for positive new choices.

"I see how things can change, how people can start to view the natural world," he says.

The listening party for the CD is 9 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 21, at Strong Hearts Cafe, 719 E. Genesee St., Syracuse,

Buechner's dropping a copy of "All Hail the End" to me today. Song clip and review to come soon.

He says Freya will be touring in March, and that should include a Syracuse stop to be named.

Here's a YouTube clip of a video of Freya's song "Struggle to Survive."

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